fnctId=bbs,fnctNo=1034 RSS 2.0 총 10 개의 게시물이 있습니다. 게시물 검색 제목 작성자 게시글 리스트 BOARD > NOTICE 번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수 첨부파일 10 Global Assistant Operation 김송희 2024.08.26 266 9 Graduate student of Gifu University(Japan) begins joint research program with College of Engineering 김송희 2024.08.26 265 8 Inauguration of Professor Jong Hun Han as the 36th Dean of the College of Engineering 김홍곤 2024.08.02 581 7 Inauguration of Professor Baek, Sung-june as the 35th dean of the College of Engineering 김홍곤 2022.08.08 5233 6 Professor Jinhyuk Kim was inaugurated as the 34th Dean of the College of Engineering 김홍곤 2020.08.10 2173 5 Signed Exchange Agreement with Bloomfield University(USA) 김홍곤 2020.02.09 2129 4 Signed Academic and Manpower Exchange Agreement 김홍곤 2020.02.09 2039 3 Our 21 students dispatched to Multimedia University(Malaysia) 김홍곤 2020.02.09 2085 2 Our students dispatched to Bloomfield University, USA 김홍곤 2020.02.09 2092 1 Graduate students of engineering dispatched to Gifu University, Japan 김홍곤 2020.02.09 1947 처음 11 1 끝