- 글번호
- 894480
★(~9/23)Submission of Dissertation for Examination : Doctoral degree(for those who are scheduled to graduate in Feb. 2025)
- 작성일
- 2024.09.05
- 수정일
- 2024.09.05
- 작성자
- 관리자
- 조회수
- 1036
Eligibility Requirements to Submit Dissertation for Examination
- Students who passed the qualification examinations (foreign language/comprehensive exam).
- Students who completed the online training course for Research ethics produced by KIRD.
- Students assigned to take supplementary courses must have the acquired credits.
- Students who have finished coursework and current students who are expecting to complete their coursework within the current semester.
- Students who have qualified in the specific departmental requirements.
Submission Deadline for Thesis/Dissertation Examination
* Doctoral degree: ~ 2024. 9. 23.(Mon)
※ All documents and thesis/dissertations should be submitted to the corresponding department office.
Submission of Required Documents for Thesis/Dissertation Examination
1. Application for Thesis/Dissertation Examination Form(attached file ②)
2. Recommendation for Thesis/Dissertation Examination Committee(attached file ③)
3. Research Ethics Compliance Statement(attached file ④)
4. Certification of Research Ethics Training Completion(attached file ⑤)
5. Receipt of Examination Fee Patment:
* Account information for Examination Fee Payment:
Kwangju Bank 074-107-437304 Chonnam National University (Examination Fee)
* Examination Fees (PhD: 300,000won) must be wire-transferred to the designated bank account together with the sender's student number during the submission period of Thesis/Dissertations for the examination.
6. Paper Abstracts (Only Materials Science and Engineering Students)
Doctoral students must publish at least 2 domestic and international professional journals, including 1 SCI article (first author).
- However, Ph.D. and master's integrated program students supported by national support programs (BK21 project, etc.) must publish at least three SCIE papers (at least two as first author, and one of the two first author papers must be in the top 20% of SCIE). (Mandatory for students entering the 2021 academic year; students entering before the 2021 academic year, especially those in their final year of doctoral studies, are encouraged to fulfill the above graduation requirement.)
※Notes: Thesis/Dissertation for examinction (five copies for PhD). (Sent to Examination Committee directly)