
[★필독]2021학년도 후기(2022년 8월) 석·박사학위수여예정자 논문작성계획서 접수 안내


2021학년도 후기(2022년 8월) 석·박사학위수여예정자 논문작성계획서 접수 안내



2021학년도 후기(2022년 8월 졸업 예정)석·박사학위수여예정자는 반드시 논문작성계획서를 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다.

★제출기한: ~2021. 10. 15.(금)까지, 학부사무실로 제출



※ 논문작성계획서 미제출자의 경우 향후 심사용 논문 접수 불가.

※ 기한 이후에는 접수가 불가하니, 반드시 기한 내에 제출 바랍니다. (기 제출자는 제출 제외)



Submission of thesis/dissertation proposal in Fall semester, 2022


We inform you the schedule and procedure of submitting the thesis plan for enrolled students in Master’s, Doctorate, and Integrated program for fall semester, 2022. Those who scheduled to submit the thesis plan have to submit it to Department office within the designated period as below.


1. Eligibility

A student must submit a Thesis/Dissertation Proposal to the Head of the Department at least 6 months prior to the submission of a Thesis/Dissertation for examination


※ Submission of thesis/dissertation proposal is the previous step for submitting the thesis/dissertation later. So those who scheduled to submit the thesis for degree after fall semester in 2021 have to thesis/dissertation plan in this semester.


2. Period of submission: ~ Oct . 15th(Fri), 2022


3. Procedure

Fill out a Thesis/Dissertation Proposal Form(download) → Get approval on the Thesis/Dissertation Proposal Form from the academic advisor → Submit the approved copy to the department

The title  should be included in both Korean and English.


※ Attachment : Form of Thesis/Dissertation Proposal



Graduate school of Chonnam National University
